Analyst Quote
"The information security is not only one voice of cost for a company but above all an added value, in a position to guaranteeing and increasing to the quality of the services offers and the satisfation of the customers." Massimo Penco, GlobalTrust CEO
Test Drive CertifiedMail

Three ways to test drive CertifiedMail

View the CertifiedMail Flash overview
If you just have a few minutes, or you need only a quick overview, take this Test Drive.

Demo (5 minuts)

Sign up for a trial CertifiedMail account
To experience the power and simplicity of the CertifiedMail Managed Service for Encrypted Email, take this Test Drive and see how our secure email service can benefit your business. The Managed Security Service uses the same codebase as the CertifiedMail Server software , so you can use it to trial the in-house version, too.

Sign Up Today

Sign up for an in-house trial installation
If you're close to making a decision on a secure messaging solution for use inside your organization, we can work with you to set up a trial installation. We'll need 30 minutes of your time on the phone to understand your environment, then we can have you up and running in less than half a day.

Tel +39-0761-402802 or send email to